I am knackered. The last couple of weeks has seen my numbers shift along quite nicely with an increase in volume and intensity plus the inclusion of 1 big ride, for me, a week. What has probably made the fatigue worst is that in reality i have actually done the last 2 weeks training in only 11 days not 14. Training is not addititive ie A+B+C+D+Rest
≠ A+B+Rest+D+C. As a result of missing 3 days at the start of the week 2 weeks ago i have done 11 sessions in 11 days with 2 days rest. Rather than maybe doing 14 sessions in 14 days with a rest day every 4th and 7th day. Alonside this the long cycle leaves me feeling really tired. I feel great that i've done it but it leaves me feeling pretty knacked.
I think part of this is Hydration or more precisely
Dehydration. Riding the bike i don't think i realise how much fluid i'm losing because there is very little residual sweat in my top or shorts, because it's being wicked away by the movement of air while cycling but also because the air is cold and dry and I'm not working at a huge intensity. Alongside this I'm probably losing alot of fluid through
As a result i've woken up a couple of times the last week feeling quite rough with a sore head and during the day felt as though i was coming down with something. One of waters key roles in the body is to flush out toxins etc. A lack of water means there are more of these in the body and it is the immune systems responsibility to deal with them.
The Lurgy Attacks an Immune Cell
This is probably further compounded by the change in seasons and an increase in 'lurgy' instances. Putting my immune system under further pressure. Best way to deal with all this, is plan a bit better, eat a bit better and drink more.